Easter - a time of renewal, celebration and faith

Easter - a time of renewal, celebration and faith

While YonderStar is a year-'round "Christmas" shop, we also herald the arrival of spring and the celebration of Easter !

Arriving this year on April 17th, the date of Easter is a "moveable feast", if you will, occurring annually anywhere from March 22 and April 25th.  Its date is determined by the moon; specifically, it falls on the first full moon after the spring equinox (the first day of spring).  A small hiccup occurs when the first full moon and spring equinox occur on the same day, and for those of you more talented in charts, calculations, and statistics than we, the wondrous web of the world can provide you with lots of detailed information.  Regardless of the date, we're always so thankful for the time of celebration, renewal, and faith.   

At this time of year, we're especially pleased to offer Fontanini's "Life of Christ" collection, depicting both the Crucifixion and Resurrection in timeless, collectible Fontanini style.  The Italian masters have captured both heartache, and joy, making these pieces wonderful illustrations for both young and old, in the home or church home settings.


            A crucifix is a daily reminder to "bear one's cross" and to help others bear theirs; a crucifix is generally                         displayed in a prominent place in the home.  They make meaningful gift ideas for weddings, house warmings,              Baptisms, Confirmation, First Communion or any other occasion.  Fontanini has captured both the Crucifixion              and Resurrection in stunning wooden crosses with Polymer figures.


“I think of the garden after the rain;

And hope to my heart comes singing,

At morn the cherry-blooms will be white,

And the Easter bells be ringing!” –Edna Dean Proctor


Apr 4th 2022

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